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We provide latest news Real Estate. Are you ready to stop paying your landlord's mortgage and start building your own wealth? Welcome to visit today , talk to your real estate profes ...
Looking for a show stopping powermove? Check out this video to learn the windmill. The windmill is a great breakdance move that will leave everyone in the audience speechless. If you need to learn the ...
The Hang Glide Freeze is an important move for any B-boy or girl to learn because it develops the strength needed for more advanced freezes, and often is used to transition into power moves. Watch thi ...
Footwork, both standing up and on the ground, is the bread and butter of your breakdancing routine. And you can always tell the difference between a breakdancing pro and a beginner/sloppy breakdancer ...
Isolations are basically isolating single body parts - the hands, one leg, even one knee - to perform a dance move focused on that one body part. This means you can perform an isolation by popping you ...
FLoorwork is half of the equation for really impressive break dancing. While your floorwork itself might be wicked cool, it's going to look unrehearsed and sloppy if you can't transition smoothly from ...
The Windmill is the move most people think of when they contemplate break dancing. The famous move consists of balancing on your hands, head, and chest while spining your legs around and around in a c ...
Whether you like the name "worm" or "dolphin", the moves the same— a cool and trendy breakdance-style dance move where you lay on the ground and act like a slippery worm (or dolphin). This dance tutor ...
In the field of break dancing, there is either win or lose, no try. That's because the superior upper body strength and advanced hand-eye-leg coordination required by the dance style are extremely dem ...
The coffee grinder, aka the helicopter, is a tough breakdance move to master. If you're determined to beef up your coffee grinder skills, follow this breakdancing tutorial to learn the move properly. ...