News: Breakdancing on a Digit... And We're Not Talking Fingers and Toes (NSFW)

Breakdancing on a Digit... And We're Not Talking Fingers and Toes (NSFW)

This kid has an amazing sense of humor and big balls. It takes both to go on national television and breakdance on a gigantic prosthetic erection.


(BTW, this is a segment is from this season's prime time version of "So You Think You Can Dance" in the Netherlands. With that said, given our more puritanical standards in the United States, we have labeled this NSFW, so as not to offend.)

If you'd like to learn to breakdance, we've got you covered. But, when it comes to the faux-boner, sorry, you're on your own!

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hahha what the #$%@?

HAhahaha that was awesome!

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Where can I get one of those. . . . Helmets?

Why does one of the hosts speak English and the rest Dutch?

@bacheeze, it's the Swedish version of "So You Think You Can Dance"

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